
适用于所有沃拉沃拉大学员工, 包括教师, staff and students who encounter ergonomic 风险 factors during the course of their daily work activities.

  • 为所有教职员工和学生提供安全的工作环境.
  • Optimize employee health and safety by preventing musculoskeletal disorders caused by exposure to 风险 factors.
  • 一旦报告肌肉骨骼损伤,确保早期干预.
  • 提高员工士气,生产力和舒适的工作场所.

本保单不包括滑倒造成的伤害, 旅行, 瀑布, 交通事故或其他类似事故.

本保单涵盖背部肌肉骨骼疾病, 上肢和下肢,包括背部损伤, 累积性创伤障碍, 重复性劳损障碍, 等. It applies to all 沃拉沃拉大学 jobs that require more than four (4) hours per day of the following:

  • 重复的手、手臂或肩膀动作,
  • 固定或尴尬的姿势(工作时手腕弯曲), 跪着, 背部扭曲或弯曲, 头顶上的工作, 弯腰),
  • 坐姿/站姿不佳;
  • 过度的到达,
  • 使用振动或冲击设备;
  • 手动搬运25磅或以上的重物,
  • 过度使用武力;
  • 接触应力(手腕/前臂对着锋利的边缘休息);
  • 工作站或椅子调整不当.

Physical stressors and workplace conditions that may pose a 风险 of injury to the musculoskeletal system of an employee.

以下活动被认为是重要的风险因素, 尤指经常表演和/或彼此结合时:

执行ing the same constant actions can result in fatigue and strain of muscles and 肌腱, 尤指在很长一段时间内频繁地表演. 过度使用, tired muscles and 肌腱 cannot recover from the effects of repeated actions if sufficient recovery time is not allotted between exertions. For most repetitive strain injuries, the disease progresses through three injury/disease stages. 的 effects of performing repetitive actions are increased when combined with awkward postures and forceful exertions.


  • 密集的数据输入需要快速、重复的按键动作
  • 手工物料搬运活动

Working in stressful or non-neutral body postures can fatigue or stress affected parts of the body due to the amount of force or stress which occurs.


  • 弯曲或弯曲手腕工作
  • 伸展双臂完成任务
  • 长时间保持一个姿势或位置
  • 在背部弯曲或扭曲时举起、放下或处理物体
  • 在工作过程中突然的、剧烈的运动
  • Frequent or prolonged extended re疼痛 for materials, especially above the shoulders
  • 经常弯腰或蹲下

给肌肉施加过多的负荷, 肌腱, ligaments and joints increases demands on the body necessary to sustain an increased effort, 比如更大的肌肉消耗和生理变化. 这包括抬起、推和拉的动作.


  • 使用小的或窄的工具手柄,减少握持能力
  • 用食指和拇指捏握有力地握住物体
  • 弯曲的:腰部扭曲、弯曲或弯曲以举起或放下重物
  • 升降、装载或降低没有足够把手的物体

放置前臂, wrists or fingers in repeated or continual contact with hard or sharp objects/surfaces or with unpadded, 狭窄的工具手柄会干扰正常的神经功能和血液流动.


  • 打字或写字时,将前臂或手腕压在尖锐/坚硬的桌面边缘
  • 使用工具按压手掌底部
  • 用手掌当锤子的

Localized vibration exposure is produced by contact between the hands and a vibrating object, 比如电动工具. Whole-body vibration exposure occurs while standing or sitting in vibrating environments such as in trucks or heavy machinery, 或者在使用手提钻等重型设备时.


Mild pain or tiredness that clears up after rest and generally does not affect the worker's lifestyle away from work, 在很大程度上. 这一阶段可能持续数周或数月, 但如果发现并消除了原因,通常是可逆的.

更剧烈的疼痛, 疼痛, 刺痛, 在工作日早期出现的麻木或疲倦, 夜间持续时间更长, 甚至影响到在家里的活动.

即使在完全休息时,症状也会持续出现. 通常,工人不能再在工作或家庭中进行普通的轻任务. 在这个阶段,即使复苏发生,也可能需要数年时间.

An individual workstation should provide the operator with a comfortable sitting position sufficiently flexible to reach, 使用和观察屏幕, 键盘和键盘键入时所指的任何纸质文件. 一些减少疲劳的一般准则包括:

的 seat and 回来rest of the chair should support a comfortable posture permitting occasional variations in the sitting position. 椅子的高度和靠背的角度应该容易调节. 脚凳可能是必要的.

使用键盘时,上臂与前臂应成直角. 的 hands should be in a reasonably straight line with the forearm, using a wrist rest. 应避免长或不自然的高度. 键控时也应避免使用扶手.

的 chair height is correct when the entire sole of the foot can rest on the floor or on a footrest and the knee is level with or slightly higher than the hip. 这样可以使血液在腿部和脚部自由循环.

Monitors that adjust vertically enable the operator to select the optimum viewing position.  眼睛应与屏幕顶部水平或略低于屏幕顶部. 的 monitor should be centered and approximately one arm's length away (or closer for better vision). 

桌子或工作站应该适合要完成的任务. 它应该足够大,可以放参考资料, 文件, 电话, calculator or other necessary items and also permit different positions of the screen and keyboard. 一个可调节的表面高度是一个优势.

  • 显示器屏幕的顶部应与眼睛平齐并保持20-30英寸的距离.
  • 手臂应该舒适地垂在肩膀上, 靠近身体,前臂成90度直线(中性姿势).
  • 手腕要平. 键盘放在这里.
  • Adjust chair so that hips and legs achieve a 90-degree angle with feet flat on floor. 坐直身子.
  • 使用抄写器保存文件.
  • 每小时休息一下.

总是, 人们扭动或用力够到键盘,或者以奇怪的姿势坐着, 导致脖子, 回来, 或者手腕疼痛. 一些简单的工作站修改, 态势感知, 椅子意识可以防止问题的发生.

  • Lower the height of the chair so that your 回来 touches the 回来 of the chair and you are comfortable.
  • 你的脚应该牢牢地放在你前面的地板上.
  • 把键盘放在显示器前面. 你的眼睛应该与工具栏在同一水平面上.
  • 把键盘和鼠标放在桌子边上.
  • 键盘和鼠标的位置应该让你的手臂自然地垂在身体两侧, 在打字/鼠标时,手腕伸直在前面.
  • 用凝胶垫或手腕支架支撑手腕和前臂,
  • 避免反复抓着鼠标,
  • 把经常使用的物品放在身边——避免伸手去拿任何东西;
  • 进行手腕、手指和手部的锻炼.

If you feel as though there is a problem with your work environment, take a moment to fill out the 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单.

If you are concerned there may be a problem with your workstation or are already experiencing ergonomic-related discomfort, 你可以要求对你的工作区域进行评估. 要求评估:要求评估:

  1. 查看工作站调整列表
  2. 完成 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单
  3. 完成所有人机工程 安全训练课程 你已经被指派了

This assessment is for those who have not previously had an ergonomics assessment done at 沃拉沃拉大学.

一旦你完成 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单人力资源部会安排对你工作区域的评估. 一旦完成, a report will be written listing any problem areas and the recommendations for improvement. 这份报告的副本将提供给你的主管. Human Resources will assist with any modifications that need to be made to your workstation.


这个评估是为那些之前做过评估的人准备的. 您可能需要重新检查,因为您的工作站已更改, 你的职责已经改变了, or you've started experiencing ergonomic-related discomfort that you weren't previously.

请填写一份新的 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单. Human Resources will schedule an new assessment of your work area and make an updated report of any problem areas and the recommendations for improvement. 报告的副本将提供给你的主管. Human Resources will assist with any modifications that need to be made to your workstation.

If you feel as though there is a problem with your work environment, take a moment to fill out the 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单.

  • 如果发现任何与人体工程学有关的不适,立即通知人力资源部. Early reporting is important to prevent injuries from occurring or becoming worse.
  • 执行 a Workstation Ergonomics Self-Evaluation of your workstation and to report deficiencies and to schedule an assessment. 的 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单 and a list of simple workstation adjustments have been provided to help assess your needs.
  • 负责正确使用雇主提供的设备.
  • 参与必要的人体工程学设计 安全培训.
  • 执行 简单的伸展或运动 全天,根据能力,减少压力.
  • Comply with ergonomic policy and follow recommended work practices to prevent repetitive strain injuries and discomfort. 违规者将受到纪律处分. 沃拉沃拉大学对其员工的安全负责. Because of this, employees are required to comply with recommendations for changes to work sites.
  1. 确保适当的工作方法. 在考虑员工的常规工作分配时, both pace of work and job flow should be reviewed to avoid excessively-repetitive work for any one employee and his/her specific position.
  2. Encourage employees to promptly report signs and symptoms of ergonomic-related discomfort to Human Resources by completing the 工作站人体工程学自我评估清单,并跟进合规情况.
  3. 适应医疗保健提供者制定的员工工作限制.
  4. Oversee implementation of work site corrections and improvements recommended by Human Resources. 完成人力资源工作站评估后, you will receive a copy of the recommendations for changes to your employee's workstation.
  5. 违规者将受到纪律处分. 沃拉沃拉大学对其员工的安全负责. Because of this, employees are required to comply with recommendations for changes to work sites. In the event of non-compliance, Human Resources will communicate with supervisor or department head.